Below is an overview of this ranges features, specific rules and range specific events! Be sure to check the RANGE STATUS and RANGE CALENDAR before visiting range or attending an event.
SEE Range Features
The rifle range is accessed by driving north on the range access road, past the Training Building & Clays Range. The rifle range is a 1000 yard range, with berms established every 100 yards out to 600 with one at 800 and 1000 yards, and is oriented to the north. The range firing line is on a covered cement slab and has 10 permanent outside shooting benches and an extension earthen berm to the west. An enclosed shooting building is located on the east (right) side of the range firing line. The new (2020) shooting building has six shooting positions behind a Plexiglass barrier with shooting ports. The building has a wood burning stove for heating during the colder months. Target stands are provided on each of the berms by way of metal frames supporting wooden pallets to which targets can be stapled. A supply of replacement pallets is maintained on the west side of the firing line. Members are allowed to replace pallets as needed. For safety purposes the rifle range firing line has red strobe lights to indicate when the range is cold and people are down range. There are two strobes located above the outside shooting positions and one strobe located in the shooting building. The switch to activate the strobes is located on the right (east) side of the outside shooting benched next to the shooting building.